Monday, 16 September 2013

Copycat Grapefruit Pearl EasyWay

I love doing Copycat recipes! (even though most of the time I have never tasted the thing that I'm copying) I used to get the to Grapefruit Pearl Easy Way from the little shop near the train station and get them to leave the sugar out but the green tea made me hyper. Years ago I used to copy them with some grapefruit juice and pearls but for some reason I stopped doing that. Today I pulled the jar out of the back of the pantry and looked up how to cook them. I was feeling ambitious so I experimented with strawberry green tea and lemonade fruit juice. It would also work with all grapefruit juice and ordinary green tea. This is super easy despite thee crazy long instructions. It made a HUGE amount about 15 servings but i'm going to freeze some ;)

Copycat Grapefruit Pearl EasyWay


2 cups black tapioca pearls

5 cups water

Juice of two grapefruits

Juice of one lemonade fruit (or more grapefruit juice)

Juice of half a lemon

1 and 1/2 cups boiling water

4 Tablespoons honey

1 teabag of Strawberry - Rose green tea

1 - 4 cups water


Boil the water. Add the pearls to the boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally to make sure the pearls are not sticking to each other or to the pot. Turn off heat and let the pearls steep in the water for another 30 minutes with the lid of the cooking pot on.
Drain the tapioca pearls and rinse with cold water to cool them down. Dilute honey in boiling water and add tea bag. Let sit for 1-2 minutes depending on how strong you like it. Add in juices and whisk to combine. Add 1 cup of water and taste if its to strong add more. Repeat until it tastes not too strong. Spoon 1/4 cup of pearls to 1 cup of drink in a large cup and serve chilled